05 June 2010

Ascension Composite once again represented on CAC

It's been a while but Ascension Composite squadron is once again represented on the Wing Cadet Advisory Council (CAC.) Two cadets were selected based on a combination of experience and enthusiasm in the Cadet Program. Cadet MSgt Pardue will serve as primary delegate and Cadet Airman 1st Class Tressitt will serve as alternate. Both will attend meetings monthly. The role of the Primary delegate is to report activity within our squadron to the CAC and to take notes and report back to our cadets, information provided at the meeting. The CAC delegates also bring issues of concern to the Wing Deputy Commander and as a group, the council works to address and make suggestions on how to address these issues. Because in normal situations, the delegates attend these meetings alone (the Squadron DCC only attend when invited) it is the delegates primary responsibility to take good notes and relay information back and forth on behalf of his/her squadron. The CAC Alternate attends meetings but has no voting power unless the primary delegate is not present. However, since the alternate must be prepared to step in at a moments notice, the two delegates must be in constant communication and knowledgeable of all issues being discussed.
At his first meeting, our primary delegate C/MSgt Pardue was tapped to act as recorder for the meeting.
I was proud of the representation by both cadets and I was particularly impressed when C/MSgt Pardue arrived and immediately updated Cadet Tressitt's uniform with the Red Shoulder Cord which signifies his official position on the CAC. I applaud his forethought and preparation as well as leadership in ensuring his cadets are properly recognized.
We look forward to hearing the report from the Sergeant at our next meeting.