22 July 2010

Encampment coming to an end....

Well, we are coming close to the end of encampment week. Only 1 more day. Tomorrow we will be at Barksdale to see our guys graduate! I know some of you heard from them early in the week and they said the first 2 days were rough and some were even homesick but Major Santana, the LAWG DCC is great with the youth and they all love him; Mr. John "Z" Zaremba, the State Director and liaison with the Air Force is awesome as well. I am sure they have filled the week with things that intrest them. I would venture to bet that this week was harder on us than it was on them.
I am sitting here in a hotel room just 5 minutes from the base and the anxiety is killing me, I am so anxious to see Codey tomorrow and hear all about his week. I know I am not alone.
I hope you all have been able to see the pictures on Facebook but for those I have not seen on Facebook, I will post a few here - I am trying to set up a Photo gallery. See link above.

Here is a link to the article that the Public Affairs Office at Barksdale posted on their website:

20 July 2010

Unprecedented Graduation Attendance expected

In spite of the five hour drive; In spite of the 10am Graduation time; In spite of the need to get hotel rooms overnight; All valid points that might have been used as reasons a family would not be able to make it to encampment graduation. But not for the parents, grandparents and other family of our cadets! Our 9 cadets registered over 40 guests who plan to be in attendance. Not only did we have 100% participation of all eligible first year cadets at encampment this year but 100% of those cadets will have at least one family member there to see him graduate. It is common for the squadron to have to arrange for transportation to and from encampment but this year, on the return trip, each cadet will be with each his own family! The level of family support for the cadets in the Ascension Squadron is one of the main reasons the "Flying Tigers" are always rising to new heights.

Cadets off to Encampment 2010

After weeks of preparation, checking and rechecking lists, 8 of our first year cadets piled into the van early Saturday morning, headed to Barksdale Air Force Base for their first Summer encampment. One cadet, C/SrMSGt Pardue was already there, waiting. The Sergeant and other staff cadets arrived Thursday to prepare for the new cadets.

After a rendezvous with 5 cadets from Hammond Composite Squadron and 3 from Capital City Composite, 3 cadets from Ascension Climbed aboard the Hammond van to do a little training on the 5 hour trip up. The cadets practiced Radio Communications communicating between the vans and studied the Encampment knowledge book. They practiced everything from how to answer questions with a firm command voice to basic drill movements every time we exited the van. By the time we arrived at encampment, they seemed motivated and confident (well, as good as it can get when you are facing a week of having to keep your bed made and socks folded.)

The first pictures from encampment shows lots of activity. It is not likely they will get bored. Below is one of the pictures taken from the CAP Louisiana Wing Encampment facebook page.

"Hang in there Cadet Blank!"

Promotion and Award Ceremony a Success

On Monday, July 12, Ascension Composite held a promotion and award ceremony at the Gonzales Public Safety Center. Amoung the special guest in attendance were, State Director John "Z" Zaremba; Col. Art Scarburough, Wing Commander and Ascension Parish President Tommy Martinez.
Ms. Jan Linton lead the singing of the National Anthem and sang a beautiful tribute to our Nations Service men and women, "Hero Coming Home."

Major Christian Richmond shared the story behind the "Flying Tigers" squadron patch design and dedicated the patch that is worn by many of the cadets who have demonstrated the attitude and spirit behind the patch which bears the motto "Semper Ascendo."

Cadets received their new grade insignia from the Wing Commander with the assistance of their parents/grandparents.

29 June 2010

Cadet Program News for week of July 28

Cadet Airmen Smith and Kallenberger get first O-Flight with Major Phil Smith.

Cadet MSgt Pardue returns from NESA

Plans for Promotions and Awards Recognition Program for July 12 coming together.

Two new cadets have complete applications:
- Cadet Basic Mason Rome of Prairieville. Rome attends Central Middle.
- Cadet Basic Mason Dennis of Baton Rouge. Dennis attends Baton Rouge High School.

Thanks to the abundance of uniforms Lt Col Collins and C/SSgt Blank acquired from Warner High School, we were able to fit ALL cadets with complete Class A Blues, including the semi-formal service coat and the light weight wind breaker. Any Senior members needing blue shirts should give C/SSgt Blank and note with your Neck size and if you want a Long Sleeve shirt, your chest size as well. We also have many Wind breakers left.
What we do need ASAP is Cadet Flight caps. We have some cadets who no longer participate. If you know of any, please see if we can get uniforms returned.

Lt Col Marchand Sets Agressive Schedule for ES Training!

Lt Col Marchand announced Monday, "In a drastic effort for training, I have committed the remaining LA Wing Emergency Services training funds for this year to the following:"
10 July Stan/Eval Conference Alexandria
17-18 July Shreveport SAREX Shreveport (Cadets @ Encampment)
24-25 July Flight Clinic #2 Shreveport (Cadets @ Encampment)

7-8 August Flight Clinic #3 Gonzales (Hosted by Ascension Seniors)
Ground Team Clinic Gonzales (Hosted by Ascension Cadets)
14-15 Aug. Leadership Academy #2 Lafayette
21-22 Aug. Alexandria SAREX Alexandria
28-29 Aug. Practice Eval Alexandria

11-12 Sept. Practice Eval Alexandria

USAF Evaluation is Scheduled for Dec. 3-5 in Alexandria
In addition, he challenged the Cadets to come up with suggestions to improve their training. The cadets have dedicated 1/2 hour of the meeting on the last Monday to ES Training and will pick a couple of Task items to work on each month. Additionally, the cadets will meet one Saturday each month for ES training. This will be in conjunction with the monthly work detail at the airport. The cadets also agreed to host the Ground team training to take place concurrent with the Flight Clinic #3 in Gonzales.

06 June 2010

Blank receives MOWW Merit Award

Military Order of World Wars defines themselves as "a patriotic nonpartisan Military Order, which holds that it is “nobler to serve than to be served.” The Order was established in 1919 to promote the welfare of our Nation. Because it clearly is not a self-seeking organization, the Order is widely respected and listened to, throughout all branches of the Government and across the Country.
The Order provides an opportunity for Officers of all of the Federal Uniformed Services to unite in a strong program to promote National Security, Patriotism, Good Citizenship and Service to Country."

For years, the order has awards deserving JROTC Cadets the Merit Award. Ascension composite squadron is proud to announce that for the first time, a CAP Cadet has been selected to receive this award.

Based on his dedication to his duties, leadership, exellence in school, advancement in CAP, his patriotism and knowledge of flag etiquette and participation on the Color Guard, Cadet Senior Airman Blank has been awarded a MOWW Merit Award for 2010.

CADETS: Important info about Meetings

  • Cadets will wear Blues (SS Shirt-no tie) on the first Monday of the month instead of the last.
  • If you need to test, STUDY! Then call Ms. Covington to let her know you intend to test.
  • We are still trying to decide how to work PT testing into the meetings. For now, if you need to test, come in your PT clothes and test before regular meeting (change into uniform) .. NOTE NEW RESTRICTIONS: NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO RUN IN BOOTS, BDUs or BAREFOOTED. You must have proper clothes. No One can run the mile when temperature exceeds 90F (CAPP52-18 Attachment 2.)
  • We will be working towards a new meeting format for the cadets that more effectively meets the requirements of the Cadet Program (CAPR 52-16) with regards to content.

Don't miss SAREX Training

Group 3 will hold a SAREX (training exercise) at Lake Font Airport in New Orleans. All members (Cadets and Seniors) are encouraged to attend. This is your opportunity to get your Emergency Services Training. Lets see if Ascension Squadron can have everyone show up with the required paperwork. BE SURE YOU BRING YOUR ID, if you lost it, go to eService and print temporary ID.
If you have not done so, you will need to do the following:
  1. Complete GES training online and take the questionnaire {CLICK HERE}
  2. Log into eServices
  3. Click on "My Operations Qualifications" (located near the bottom of the list links on your left)
  4. Under EMERGENCY SERVICES, click on 101 Card then enter your personal characteristics. You may also upload a photo but it will not print out until the commander has verified it. Photo is not necessary for the weekend.
  5. Choose "Click to Print 101 card"
  6. Next, Click on Print blank worksheet under SQTRs (left side of screen)
  7. On the "Achievement" Drop down menu, select the area you will train in.
  8. Click Print SQTR Worksheet
  10. Wear the appropriate uniform for the position you will train for: Cadets Complete BDU with all insignia, patches, belt, proper T-shirt, pen, pad. As always, grooming standards must be adhered to.

Let ensure that Ascension Composite is represented as the professional, efficient and effective squadron we all know we are.

We will determine travel arrangements at the meeting Monday June 7.

05 June 2010

Ascension Composite once again represented on CAC

It's been a while but Ascension Composite squadron is once again represented on the Wing Cadet Advisory Council (CAC.) Two cadets were selected based on a combination of experience and enthusiasm in the Cadet Program. Cadet MSgt Pardue will serve as primary delegate and Cadet Airman 1st Class Tressitt will serve as alternate. Both will attend meetings monthly. The role of the Primary delegate is to report activity within our squadron to the CAC and to take notes and report back to our cadets, information provided at the meeting. The CAC delegates also bring issues of concern to the Wing Deputy Commander and as a group, the council works to address and make suggestions on how to address these issues. Because in normal situations, the delegates attend these meetings alone (the Squadron DCC only attend when invited) it is the delegates primary responsibility to take good notes and relay information back and forth on behalf of his/her squadron. The CAC Alternate attends meetings but has no voting power unless the primary delegate is not present. However, since the alternate must be prepared to step in at a moments notice, the two delegates must be in constant communication and knowledgeable of all issues being discussed.
At his first meeting, our primary delegate C/MSgt Pardue was tapped to act as recorder for the meeting.
I was proud of the representation by both cadets and I was particularly impressed when C/MSgt Pardue arrived and immediately updated Cadet Tressitt's uniform with the Red Shoulder Cord which signifies his official position on the CAC. I applaud his forethought and preparation as well as leadership in ensuring his cadets are properly recognized.
We look forward to hearing the report from the Sergeant at our next meeting.

31 May 2010

Ascension Composite Squadron had a full weekend of Memorial Days Services and acts of appreciation for our nations fallen military service men and women, their families and the veterans who served with them.

On Saturday, May 29, 2010, Lt Col Phillip Collins, Captain Mark Attuso, 2d Lt Lydia Pike and SM Brandi Covington were accompanied by Cadet MSgt Pardue, C/A1C Pike, Delbasty, Kelley, Tressit, C/Basics Ravey and Kallenberger, all of Ascension Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol. The squadron travelled to Port Hudson National Cemetery and spent the morning working alongside members of the Istrouma Area Boy Scouts to place over 14, 000 flags on the grave sites. What initially seemed like a daunting task took less than 2 hours with the number of people there to help.

On Monday, May 31, 2010, the squadron attended the Memorial Day Services at the USS Kidd museum but not before stopping at Sunrise Assisted Living to visit with the residents, many of whom are veterans and wives of veterans who served in the WWII era. Cadets Pardue, Blank, Delbasty, Kelley, Berry, Tressitt and Ravey, along with Lieutenant Pike, SM Carl Ravey and Ms. Tasheka Dorsey were on hand and Cadets Delbasty on piano and Blank on guitar shared some songs. The short time there was truly appreciated by the residents and several cadets inquired about going back.

After leaving the assisted living center, the group headed downtown to meet up with Lt Col Collins. The cadets assisted in many ways: 2 posted outside the door, opening the door as people entered the building and others greeting visitors with programs, a small thank you note provided by wreaths Across America attached to a mini-letter from our cadets and squadron. Each guest also received a poppy flower. Traditionally worn on Memorial Day, the poppy flower represents eternal sleep.

Once again, the cadets of the Ascension Squadron have represented the squadron, Wing and Civil Air Patrol as a whole with honor and received much thanks from those in attendance and from the staff of the museum. Congratulations Cadets!

17 May 2010

WWII/D-Day Museum

Written By: C/MSgt My-kel Pardue
(minor edits by: Lt Pike)

GONZALES - On May 15, the cadets of Ascension Composite Squadron along with Deputy Commander of Cadets, 2d Lt Pike CAP, traveled New Orleans to attend the “Mayors Council on Military Affairs” annual award ceremony. The ceremony, held
at the D-day museum, recognizes one member from each branch of the military who is selected for outstanding service within the community. Former Lieutenant Governor and newly elected mayor of New Orleans, Mitch Landrieu, presented the awards.

Following the ceremony, the cadets toured the museum along with many people, military and civilians, who came to honor those of the last world war. The cadets learned about what WWII was all about and the events that led up to US involvement. Cadet Kelley shared his impressive, in depth knowledge of the history behind the deadliest war that had ever occurred. After seeing the exhibits, the cadets crossed the street to the new Victory Theater and viewed a full-length movie about the war. “Beyond all Boundaries,” a documentary directed by Tom Hanks, included surround sound, breath taking effects, and vibrating seats to emulate the feel of being there. The D-Day museum was amazing, from the C-47 and the Higgins Boat to the ladies and gentlemen dress from head to toe from that error…you could really feel that you were there. The D-Day store had many interesting gifts that you would not find anywhere else. The cadets had a great time and looked professional at the same time. ##
PHOTO: Museum Volunteer explains how they got the C-47, purchased on eBay, into the
museum. These are not replicas, they are the real thing, refurbished and flown
into New Orleans then transported to the Museum where they hang.

21 March 2010

New Cadets, O-Flight "AMAZING"

Saturday morning, March 20, two of our newest cadets took to the air with Col. Collins for their first Orientation Flight. Cadets Tanner Smith and Gage Tressitt seemed to already be flying high just at the thought of getting to fly. Tressitt had one word to describe the experience, "Amazing!" He said it was really cool how they got to fly over there neighborhoods and see their homes. Smith thought whole experience was "Awesome."

Civil Air Patrol Cadets who are members of the Ascension Composite Squadron receive their first O-Flight after passing most of the requirements for promotion to their first rank. Both Tressitt and Smith, should be reaching that promotion within the next week.

06 March 2010

Wreaths / C.A.P. promoted at LHPA Conference

Kelly of Kelly Scott Heating and Air, newly seated president of the Louisiana Heat Pump Association (LPHA) and a staunch supporter of the annual Wreaths Across America Program invited Commander Collins to set up and exhibit and promote the WAA program and Civil Air Patrol at the associations annual conference. The conference was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Baton Rouge on Friday, March 5 and concluded with a banquet that included keynote speaker Skip Bertman.. Additionally, our Cadet Color Guard was asked to post the colors at the conference banquet and we were all welcomed as guest at the banquet.
The exhibition booth, prominently located in the center of the room with approximately 20 other businesses, was set up Thursday and staffed throughout the day Friday by Col. Collins, SM Brandi Covington, C/A1c Phillips, USAF-CAP Liaison John "Z" Zaremba and Lt. Pike. We had the opportunity to share information about both the Civil Air patrol and the Wreaths Across America program with over one hundred attendees plus others throughout the hotel.
The formal banquet was opened with the posting of the colors by Cadet Color Guard members C/A1c Phillips, C/A1c Delbasty and C/MSgt Pardue. After the wonderful dinner, keynote speaker Skip Bertman spoke on the very appropriate topic of team leadership.
All in all, we feel that the event was a success in all areas.

24 February 2010

WOW! Where to begin!

The past two meetings alone have been unbelievable! The excitement from the competition was still very much alive when our newest Cadet Member, Cadet Tanner Smith sparked an explosion of recruitment. Recruited himself by C/Airman Kelley, Smith came in the very first night with ao much excitement I thought I have to tie a string to his leg to keep him from floating away!
This next week he brought another recruit, Cadet Gage Tressitt who joined as well. Last meeting we had 3 more visitors and at least 2 of these were hesitant at first but by the end of Drill with Cadet Airmen 1st Class, Blank, Delbasty and Berry, they were asking for applications before they left. We like to suggest they attend a few meetings before they decided but some of these guys are buying uniforms faster than NHq can process the applications. Ms. Covington mailed off 2 new applications last week and we look forward to sending more in next week!
As for our current cadets, we are very proud of the reputation you have built throughout the WING! I know you will continue to demonstrate that professionalism, teamwork and enthusiasm and your new fellow cadets will quickly come up to the same high standards you have set for yourselves. I feel confident you all will shine at Academy this weekend. Remember, we are all part of the same WING and there should be no "Them and Us." Regardless of others attitudes, we want to promote a spirit of Teamwork throughout the WING! Encourage Others!!!

15 February 2010

So WHAT IS the definition of a Winner!

In these eyes, the four amazing young men in this picture (C/A1c C.Blank, C/A1c (CIC) J.Phillips, C/A N.Delbasty, and C/MSgt M. Pardue,) along with their two accompanying team mates (C/A1c C.Pike and C.Berry) defined the word "Winner" this past weekend!
On February 13th, after only 3 months of preparing themselves, these Ascension Composite Cadets stepped onto the competition floor at Barksdale AFB with only the knowledge they had obtained on there own. They stood 'toe to toe' with the squadron from Barksdale who had an abundance of color guard competition training and experience available to them. And no, according to the competition score sheets, Ascension did not win. They only walked away with one medal which was awarded to C/A Delbasty for the fastest one mile run. BUT, that is not to say they were not Winners!
I have watched as these cadets study manuals, practiced the drills, review online videos of other color elements and discuss among themselves how they understood it should be done and even called upon local JROTC instructors for input. Bottom line: They taught themselves. They have never seen a competition. They did not know what to expect. They did not know what information to ask for and therefore did not know what would be scored, but they practiced and drilled nonetheless. Even as the competition progressed they were constant "students," soaking up any advice, hints or instruction they could get from anyone knowledgeable.
So while Cadets Blank, Delbasty, Pardue and there CIC Cadet Phillips may not have followed the proper parade route or known all the answers to the questions, they did something that 5-6 other squadrons throughout the state did not do. They tried and they never gave up. And while initially, one experienced with the competition may have thought them less than competent, once the truth was told there was a paradigm shift from top to bottom. Jaws dropped and eyes popped! Not only did this element have it together, they had done so through challenges that would have made most men throw in the towel. Right up to the last minute, when travel to the competition was in question, these gentlemen stuck it out and just kept trying.
To recognize the "Above and Beyond" spirit of these cadets, Major Victor Santana, LAWING Deputy Commander of Cadet Programs announced that they would receive the coveted CAP Coin and that it would be awarded at the WING Conference in April. Now, being a newbie to the Civil Air Patrol myself, I had to do a little research to learn exactly what the "Coin" means. I found this link to an article from the Nov-Dec 2006 Civil Air Patrol Volunteer magazine, "True Challenge."
So there you have it friends, Ascension Composite shines again with our cadets who were and will again be recognized for their "Merit Deserved and Excellence Achieved."

11 February 2010


The regular meeting of the Ascension Composite Squadron, for Monday 15 Feb 2010 had been canceled due to the Mardi Gras Holiday.
Lt.Pike will be at the airport during the regular meeting time and all cadets are invited to come for extra training and to assist with planning for the year.

10 February 2010

Upcoming Leadership Academy - Lafayette

Don't forget to register for Academy! The next Academy is scheduled for the weekend of 27 Feb 2010. If you have lost the email, contact Capt Richmond for the information and course listing. This is a great opportunity to get valuable training. Don't be left out.

09 February 2010

Welcome new Members

Ascension Composite Squadron would like to welcome the following new members:
- Ms. Brandi Covington as our newest Senior Member. Ms. Covington has joined at the Parent Sponsor Level and is assisting with the Cadet Program.
- Cadet Airman 1st class Conner Berry who is returning to the squadron.
- Cadet Basic Tanner Smith, recruited by Cadet Airman Kelley.
We are pleased to have these new members join us and look forward to getting to know them.

Color Guard off to Competition

Ascension Composite Squadron cadets are scheduled to travel to Barksdale Air force base in Bossier city, Louisiana to complete with squadrons from around the state in the Annual Louisiana Wing Color Guard Competition. This is the first time Ascension has had a color guard in the competition but if they win, they will move on to the Regional and perhaps National competition level. “I don’t know if we will make it that fare this year, beings this is our first competition, but these guys have worked hard to learn the drill and sharpen their skills so we will just have to see,” said Lydia Caillouet Pike, 2Lt and Deputy Commander of the Cadet Program in Ascension Parish. Members of the Color Guard are: C/MSgt My-kel Pardue of Walker, C/A Nicholas Delbasty of Paulina, C/A1C Joseph Phillips of Baton Rouge, C/A1C Chase Blank of Lutcher and alternate C/A1C Codey Pike of Gonzales. Others accompanying them on the trip were: C/AB Merric Brooks of Watson, C/A1C Conner Berry of Prairieville, 2Lt Pike and Squadron Commander, LtCol Phillip Collins.

Ascension Composite Hosts Flight Ops Clinic

Louisiana Regional Airport in Gonzales was a buzz with activity on Saturday morning as 9 Civil Air Patrol aircraft were arriving with members aiming to attend the Flight Ops Clinic hosted by the Civil Air Ascension Composite Squadron. Col. Mickey Marchand and Col. Harry Stafford, both long time members of the Civil Air Patrol and pilots themselves, organized and conducted the clinic with the classroom portion conducted at the Gonzales Public Safety Center and the flight portion out of LA Regional Airport. The clinic was designed to train pilots and none pilots alike, on the procedures and responsibilities of each member of the Flight Crew. Whether mission pilot, Observer or Scanner, all must work together as a team to accomplish the mission. “The Pilot needs to focus on flying the plane; he or she must depend on the Observer who is responsible for navigation and communications and Scanner is responsible for scanning for targets, takes photos, uploads them onto a laptop and keeps a log on photo information. Each person must be well trained to work interchangeably with any other crew member they are teamed up with. According to numerous reports from visitng air crews, Ascension Composite did an all around excellent job.

08 February 2010

Promotion Ceremony a big success:

Ascension Composite Squadron proudly announces promotion of five cadets during a special ceremony during our weekly meeting Monday night, 1 Feb 2010, at the Gonzales Public Safety Center.
Those receiving promotions were: David Kelly of Dutchtown, achieving the Maj. Gen. John F Curry award and promoted to the rank of C/Airman; Chase Blank of Lutcher, Joseph Phillips of Denham Springs and Codey Pike of Gonzales, all received the H.H. “Hap” Arnold award and promoted to the rank of C/Airman 1st Class. My-kel Pardue, currently the squadron’s highest ranking cadet, received the Lindbergh award and rank of C/Master Sergeant (pictured), making him a Senior Grade NCO. In order to meet the requirements for these achievements and earn promotions, each cadet must demonstrate a certain level of understanding and display of the core values as well as customs and courtesies. They pass written tests on Leadership and Aerospace education and meet minimum requirements for PT. In return for their hard work and enthusiasm, the cadets go on camping trips, field trips, attend encampments, leadership academies, orientation flights and they participate in emergency service training.

19 January 2010

Next Meeting Communication Training

Monday, January 25, Ken Brumett will conduct communication training for the squadron. We hope to see everyone there. Lots of changes and new things coming down the pipeline for Cadets and Senior members as well!

Blog updates

Sorry fellas for the delay in updating the blog. December was kinda of hectic but I'll try to get better at it. Bookmark the site and watch for squadron news. I'd appreciate some submissions from all duty positions whenever possible. Just email them to me.