02 January 2013

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01 January 2013

Ground Team Basics: Task O-001 / O-002


24/72 Hour Load Bearing equipment (LBE) pack video: 24/72 Hour LBE (Senior Member) This is just an example of how one might pull together equipment for Ground Team. There are a few key things to note:
  1. Weight! YOU need to be able to carry YOUR gear comfortably and for a long time. Pack light and distribute weight
  2. Have gear accessible. You don't want to have to stop and dig in a backpack for equipment you need on foot.
  3. Know your system of packing. The GT Task guide recommends grouping items and putting in Zip lock bags but it is not required. You do need to know where your gear is.
  4. Knives must be approved. A good Gerber multi-tool is recommended for cadet GTMs.
  5. Deluxe is not necessary. This guy has gone all out with his setup. This is not required. Check local Military Surplus or sporting goods stores for options. Just try to stick with similar neutral colors but spending a lot of money for "military spec" in not needed. 
  6. In the video, he does not cover some of the stuff you are supposed to carry on your person so check the GT list and task guide  HERE
You might also find this interesting. Video: 72 hour mini survival  I personally like to carry such a survival kit which can be part of the GT equipment or taken alone. It has some of the required items plus a few extra. Again, cadets clear knives with your GTL.
Have you printed your SQTR from HERE

Don't forget to reference the GT list and task guide HERE