15 February 2011

Meeting Minutes 14 Feb 2011
Week #2 Professional Development / Promotions
Facilitator: Cadet MSgt G.Tressitt C/Executive Officer (and PD)
** C/Executive Officer handles much of the record keeping for the cadets. Sgt Tressitt has also been charged with the responsibility of coordinating recruiting efforts and monitoring cadets progress and encouraging them to test and promote.

(5) Collins, Brummett, Ravey, Pike, Eiswirth, Moeller,
Cadets: (11) Delbasty, Kelley, Blank, Tressitt, Rome, Gaudin , Ravey, Kallenberger, H.Pike, Snyder, Tuggle,
Guests: (1 guest recruited by Tuggle; 1 guest recruited by Rome)

Posting of the Colors by Color Guard Team
Guest Intro

Counter Drug / Comms.:
Major Brummett reports still no money from Congress for CD missions but there is a little for O-flights.
News from Wing Staff Meeting: Capital City will have a small Sarex next weekend for those interested. Wing staff was pleasantly surprised by the recent announcement from National regarding the new Quality Unit award (more on that later)
Cadet Programs: CG Competition this weekend - we have dropped some attendees but still need 2 vans

Lt Pike explained the Quality Cadet Unit award (see article on blog) Basically, Ascension Composite Squadron was one of 118 units nationwide (top 10%) who earned the new award. We were the only unit in the state to earn this distinction which is based on 8 criteria determined to be indicators of a quality unit. Ascension was listed as having met 5 of the 8 (the minimum to earn the award) but the fact that we did earn the AEX award was not reflected in the report so we in fact achieve 6 of 8 which is super!
Of the 8 criteria, the majority are specifically related to cadets participation, progression and hard work. This is truly a reflection on the awesome cadets in our unit. We are all extremely proud of their hard work.
Its one thing to know the award criteria and do what it takes to earn an award, but to not even know that an award exist and to demonstrate outstanding performance without expectation of award is true excellence.

Commander: Lt Col Collins reports that they are still in negotiations with the airport authority.
St Paticks Day Parade Fundraiser: Sign up sheet for St Patricks day parade marshalls went around. This year the squadron will earn $55 per Marshall. This is easy money and you get to watch the parade with your family. Cadets are encouraged to ask parents, aunts, uncles...etc. Marhsalls must be 21. Please contact Lt Col Collins about participating! We need all the help we can get.
Quality Cadet Unit Award: Lt Col Collins stressed the importance of this award and noted that the cadets have earned Ascension Composite some excellent recognition. He went on to stress how proud he is of the cadets.
O-Flights: After we return from this weekend at Barksdale, we WILL start scheduling O-Flights, regardless of weather the funds come from the wing or from our squadron, it will happen.

Promotions: C/MSgt Tressitt apologized to the cadets for not preparing the reports needed to do promotion ceremony tonight. Cadets who have not been pinned with new rank will be pinned next week.
Focus Topic:
Leadership Expectations / Phase I and Phase II
Lt Pike, with the assistance of C/CC Sgt Delbasty, reviewed the importance of understanding the leadership expectations, using the Form 50 as a self assessment and knowing how they can effect promotions.
**Color Guard Team did not attend this class. They practiced Flag Folding with C/Sgt Blank

Drill Instruction: C/First Sgt Blank conducted drill instruction and tests while C/CC worked with Color Guard practicing Standard Drill.
Dismissal: 20:30