06 June 2010

Blank receives MOWW Merit Award

Military Order of World Wars defines themselves as "a patriotic nonpartisan Military Order, which holds that it is “nobler to serve than to be served.” The Order was established in 1919 to promote the welfare of our Nation. Because it clearly is not a self-seeking organization, the Order is widely respected and listened to, throughout all branches of the Government and across the Country.
The Order provides an opportunity for Officers of all of the Federal Uniformed Services to unite in a strong program to promote National Security, Patriotism, Good Citizenship and Service to Country."

For years, the order has awards deserving JROTC Cadets the Merit Award. Ascension composite squadron is proud to announce that for the first time, a CAP Cadet has been selected to receive this award.

Based on his dedication to his duties, leadership, exellence in school, advancement in CAP, his patriotism and knowledge of flag etiquette and participation on the Color Guard, Cadet Senior Airman Blank has been awarded a MOWW Merit Award for 2010.

CADETS: Important info about Meetings

  • Cadets will wear Blues (SS Shirt-no tie) on the first Monday of the month instead of the last.
  • If you need to test, STUDY! Then call Ms. Covington to let her know you intend to test.
  • We are still trying to decide how to work PT testing into the meetings. For now, if you need to test, come in your PT clothes and test before regular meeting (change into uniform) .. NOTE NEW RESTRICTIONS: NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO RUN IN BOOTS, BDUs or BAREFOOTED. You must have proper clothes. No One can run the mile when temperature exceeds 90F (CAPP52-18 Attachment 2.)
  • We will be working towards a new meeting format for the cadets that more effectively meets the requirements of the Cadet Program (CAPR 52-16) with regards to content.

Don't miss SAREX Training

Group 3 will hold a SAREX (training exercise) at Lake Font Airport in New Orleans. All members (Cadets and Seniors) are encouraged to attend. This is your opportunity to get your Emergency Services Training. Lets see if Ascension Squadron can have everyone show up with the required paperwork. BE SURE YOU BRING YOUR ID, if you lost it, go to eService and print temporary ID.
If you have not done so, you will need to do the following:
  1. Complete GES training online and take the questionnaire {CLICK HERE}
  2. Log into eServices
  3. Click on "My Operations Qualifications" (located near the bottom of the list links on your left)
  4. Under EMERGENCY SERVICES, click on 101 Card then enter your personal characteristics. You may also upload a photo but it will not print out until the commander has verified it. Photo is not necessary for the weekend.
  5. Choose "Click to Print 101 card"
  6. Next, Click on Print blank worksheet under SQTRs (left side of screen)
  7. On the "Achievement" Drop down menu, select the area you will train in.
  8. Click Print SQTR Worksheet
  10. Wear the appropriate uniform for the position you will train for: Cadets Complete BDU with all insignia, patches, belt, proper T-shirt, pen, pad. As always, grooming standards must be adhered to.

Let ensure that Ascension Composite is represented as the professional, efficient and effective squadron we all know we are.

We will determine travel arrangements at the meeting Monday June 7.