14 July 2012

Cadets Serve American Red Cross

When the American Red Cross holds it's annual meeting, one of the items on Executive Assistant Cyndi Marbry's checklist is to contact the Ascension Composite Squadron to schedule the color guard. For the past three years, our cadets have provided this service for our fellow service organization. It's become a tradition now.  It is an honor that they ask us back each year. 

This year, the Color Guard Team was supervised by Honor Guard Members, C/Chief Master Sargent Blank and C/Chief Master Sargent Delbasty, who ensured the team of newer cadets maintained the high level of excellence we've come to expect from our teams. And based on the comments from the guests at the meeting (including our own Marvin Owen, also a Red Cross Volunteer) they certainly did just that. 
The team included:
C/TSgt Joshua Townsend, NCO/IC (Color Bearer)
C/SSgt Micheal Christian, Guardsman (Right)
C/Sr Airman Hannah Pike, Flag Bearer (Red Cross Flag)
C/Airman 1st Class Amber Nezat, Guardsman (Left)

Townsend and Nezat are members of the squadron's 2012 Color Guard Competition team, while Christian and Pike are newly trained members. 

We look forward to more cadets stepping up and doing what it takes to become part of the Color Guard teams. The requirements are simple, they are not easy they are simple. This includes:
  • Participate, participate, participate 
  • Take Initiative, show that you want it, don't just say it
  • Be reliable, if you say you will be somewhere be there
  • Be responsible, show up prepared for the task - whatever it is
  • Become proficient at drill, military bearing and customs and courtesies
  • Wear the uniforms properly at all times and wear it with pride
  • Demonstrate the Core Values in all you do 
We thank these cadets for representing Ascension Composite, Louisiana Wing and the Civil Air Patrol with Respect, Integrity, Volunteer Service Excellence. 

13 July 2012

Honor Guard Academy Portraits

C/CMSgt Gaudin
C/TSGt Camacho 
 Civil Air Patrol
Honor Guard Academy
'White Hat"
Class of 2012

Ascension Composite

Portraits by:

12 July 2012

Gaudin and Camacho being trained by the best

 Cadet Chief Master Sargent Gaudin and Cadet Tech.Sargent Camacho are currently attending the Honor Guard Academy where they are being trained by the best of the best, the United States Air Force Honor Guard.  "Attention" means something completely new when you are talking to an Honor Guardsman. They are trained to maintain absolute military bearing regardless of what is going on around them or, in the case of the photo to the right, IN their face. 

Gaudin and Camacho are not the only cadets at the Academy representing LA022. Cadet 1st Lt Frederick returned this year for his fourth year and as a cadet staff member. 

Thanks to Ms.Camacho for providing these photos.