24 February 2011

Meeting Minutes 21 Feb 2011
Week #3 Aerospace Education
Facilitator: Major Phil Smith, Aerospace Education Officer
SM:(11) Collins, Brummett, Ravey, Pike, Eiswirth, Moeller, Owen, Attuso, Berteau, Gerald, Smith,
Cadets: (12) Delbasty, Kelley, Blank, Dennis, Rome, Gaudin , Ravey, Kallenberger, H.Pike, Snyder, Tuggle, Verdin,
Guests: (1 guest recruited by Tuggle)
Counter Drug / Comms.:
Major Brummett brought to attention, a letter from Major General Courter to all C.A.P. members addressing rank status as it relates to the Air Force. (Click here to see letter)
Upon further discussion it was noted that C/Commander Delbasty has planned a presentation to all members next week on "Customs and Courtesies" and this will be included. This presentation will be of assistance to both Cadets and Senior members. All further discussion on the matter has been tabled until then.
C/CC: Congratulated the Color Guard on a job well done at CG Competition this weekend
C/DC: Introduced the CG team members and advised that the team won the mile run competition and most importantly they won the Team Spirit award for their sportsmanlike conduct throughout the weekend.
Lt Pike briefly mentioned a tentative trip to Washington, DC for Memorial Day. This is still in the works, Mr Z is working with the local squadrons and Major Santana is going to talk to the Base Youth Center director to see if we can stay there.
Also, there is a possibility that the Color Guard Competition could be held here at Lamar-Dixon. This is still in the proposal stage.
Commander: Lt Col Collins reports reiterated congratulations to all the cadets who participated and attended the competition. He was very proud of all.
**St Paticks Day Parade Fundraiser: Sign up sheet for St Patricks day parade marshalls went around again. This year the squadron will earn $55 per Marshall. This is easy money and you get to watch the parade with your family. Cadets are encouraged to ask parents, aunts, uncles...etc. Marshals must be 21. Please contact Lt Col Collins about participating! We need all the help we can get.
**O-Flights: Four (4) Sorties have been entered for O-Flights this weekend. Major Smith will be PIC.
Aerospace Education: Hover Crafts
Major Smith showed a video on the Military use of Hover craft and Captain Attuso gave commentary.
Cadet Airman Basic Tuggle and Cadet Airman Pike gave short reports on interesting information about Hover crafts.
Due to technical difficulties, the hover craft did not fly tonight. It will be operational next month for Aerospace night. Perhaps we can get more reports.
**See Email regarding Washington DC trip. There will be rank requirements and some of you will have to work hard to meet them, others will not meet them and will not be able to attend this trip. There will be others in the future. On a trip like this, we must ensure that those attending are very capable of managing themselves and therefore minimum grade for this trip will be Senior Airman. Other requirements were discussed and will be in an email to come out this week.
** eServices has a report that renders the recent promotion tracking form obsolete. If you have not seen it, there is a link on the left column of eServices called Cadet Promotion Tracking report. Monitor this report to ensure that your information has been entered.
**Leadership expectations reiterated. Last week we discussed these as it relates to Phase I and Phase II cadets. Note that all cadets are to help junior cadets with uniform issues as well as knowing what to do and how to do it. When a Jr Cadet is identified as being out of compliance, it is not a reflection on that cadet (he/she does not know better) it is the cadets around that are noted as having a deficiency.
**Academy / CTEP - Let C/Dpty Commander Sgt Kelley know if you are going. He will be coordinating this trip. NOTE: If you have not had ALS or been to encampment, this is a must for the Washington Trip.
**O-Flights: The following cadets will have O-Flights this weekend, Cadet Pike, Tuggle, Gaudin, Snyder. See Sgt Blank for what you need to know. NOTE: You MUST have complete uniform to fly.
Drill Instruction: C/First Sgt Blank transferred the responsibility of Drill to Cadet Sr Arm Gaudin who will be stepping into the position of Flight Sgt. Blank will be Flight Commander as well as First Sgt.
Lt Ravey conducted PT Tests
Major Moeller conducted written exams.
Dismissal: 20:30