17 July 2012

"Full of Hot Air" (but not full enough)


Last night, for Aerospace Education, the cadets used their creative ingenuity in an attempt to make a Tissue Paper Hot Air Balloon take flight. Knowing that the recommended launch mechanism called for a burner and a 6 inch diameter double chamber pipe, and we did not have this, they began to improvise (my favorite part!) 

To create a heat source (and of course after doing ORM and under the supervision of adults) they used our propane tank with extension pole and placed the burner portion of a Coleman Lantern on top (without the globe.) This alone provided plenty heat but they found that it also heated the air around the balloon. They decided they needed a way to direct the hot air more into the mouth of the balloon. After some readjusting, they added the glass globe around the lantern filaments and added aluminium foil around the glass to emulate a pipe and directed the heat. They had a little better success in that the hot air was now going into the balloon, but although the air in the balloon was getting hot, it still lacked volume needed to lift the balloon.
They came to to conclusion that they needed a way for more air to be blown into or pulled into the balloon while the air was being heated and that the purpose for the double wall pipe was to allow more air to flow up into the balloon. This challenge will continue......

QUESTION: Which one of you science buffs can tell me what is the "effect" that will create the increased air flow into the balloon?